I think i'll go wandering in Corso Buenos Aires instead of lieing around sitting in front of my computer and enjoying alone these chocolate coins. A lil bit depressing right? Let's see to end this year in a decent way: maybe buying a new item. I've known that they've anticipated the sales. Goog! At least I won't be in difficult in this occasion ;)
giovedì 31 dicembre 2009
it's the 31st of december :(
Credo che andrò a farmi un giro in Corso Buenos Aires invece di poltrire qui seduta davanti al computer mangiando da sola le monete di cioccolato. Poco deprimente vero? Vediamo di concludere l'anno in modo decente; magari comprandomi un capo nuovo. Ho saputo che hanno anticipato i saldi. Bene! Almeno in quest'occasione avrò la mano facile ;)
mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009
sad :(
Love the new song of One Republic called all the right moves.
Listen to it it's amazing! and the lyrics aswell..
I still don't know what to do for new years.. Sucks!
I wish it is the 2nd!!
UUgh I can't stand this situation!
good morning!
La maggior parte degli adulti si dimentica di com'era da bambino. Io ho invece giurato che l'avrei tenuto a mente per sempre. Da piccoli si è convinti di essere onnipotenti. Pensi che sei tu il creatore dell' universo e che ogni cosa sia lì per assecondare i tuoi capricci. Poi, crescendo, fai i conti con questa cosa chiamata realtà e scopri che il mondo non collima con le tue idee. Preservare la creatività dell'infanzia è essenziale per non restare schiacciati da questo trauma. Il che non significa necessariamente fare qualcosa di artistico ma essere se stessi, conservare quella parte di noi, magari segreta, che non combaccia con la realtà, con il lavoro noioso che ci tocca fare ogni giorno.
Most of the adults forgets how it was being a child. I,instead, i've promised to keep it on my mind forever. When we were still kids we are persuaded to be almighty. We beleive to be the creator of the universe e that everything exists to go along with our wishes, whims. Then, by growing up, we square with this thing called reality and we discover that the world doesn't collimate with our ideas. Preserving childhood's creativity is essential to not being kept crunched by this trauma. This doesn't necessarily mean that we have to do something artistic but to be ourselves, to conserve that part of us, maybe a secret one, which doesn't tie in with reality, with the boring job that we are forced to do everyday.
Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons
(got on Vanity Fair n 42/2009)
Most of the adults forgets how it was being a child. I,instead, i've promised to keep it on my mind forever. When we were still kids we are persuaded to be almighty. We beleive to be the creator of the universe e that everything exists to go along with our wishes, whims. Then, by growing up, we square with this thing called reality and we discover that the world doesn't collimate with our ideas. Preserving childhood's creativity is essential to not being kept crunched by this trauma. This doesn't necessarily mean that we have to do something artistic but to be ourselves, to conserve that part of us, maybe a secret one, which doesn't tie in with reality, with the boring job that we are forced to do everyday.
Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons
(got on Vanity Fair n 42/2009)
martedì 29 dicembre 2009
dawson's creek quotes
I'd like to tell today's youth that no matter where life takes you, big cities, small towns, you'll inevitably come across small minded People who think they're better than you. People who think that material things, or being pretty or popular, automatically make you a worthwhile human being. I'd like to tell today's youth that none of these things matter. Unless you have a stregth of character, intergtity, ... and if you're lucky enough to have any of these things, don't ever sell out. Don't ever sell out. So when you meet a person for the first time, don't judge them by their station in life, 'cause who knows, that person just might end up being your best friend.
I'd like to tell today's youth that no matter where life takes you, big cities, small towns, you'll inevitably come across small minded People who think they're better than you. People who think that material things, or being pretty or popular, automatically make you a worthwhile human being. I'd like to tell today's youth that none of these things matter. Unless you have a stregth of character, intergtity, ... and if you're lucky enough to have any of these things, don't ever sell out. Don't ever sell out. So when you meet a person for the first time, don't judge them by their station in life, 'cause who knows, that person just might end up being your best friend.
Don't let yourself get so angry that you stop loving, because one day you will wake up from that anger and the person you love won't be around anymore.
There are certain people who are not meant to fit in your life, no matter how much you want them to be.
Growing up su*ks. Not all kisses are magical and most boys don't live up to your expectations, but there are those times when everything, I mean love, romance, relationships, it all falls together perfectly and it's incredible
Growing up su*ks. Not all kisses are magical and most boys don't live up to your expectations, but there are those times when everything, I mean love, romance, relationships, it all falls together perfectly and it's incredible
You're probably right...I'm sure I don't have any idea what you're going through. How hard it is to let someone go. How painful it must be to know that as right as you two are for each other, it doesn't mean you're right for each other right now. I wouldn't know a thing about that. About how it makes you want to scream, or hit someone...or cry.
You're probably right...I'm sure I don't have any idea what you're going through. How hard it is to let someone go. How painful it must be to know that as right as you two are for each other, it doesn't mean you're right for each other right now. I wouldn't know a thing about that. About how it makes you want to scream, or hit someone...or cry.
To love someone when there is no chance of that love ever thriving.. that is romance.
To love someone when there is no chance of that love ever thriving.. that is romance.
You wanted a kiss. Is that what you want? Are you prepared for everything that comes with that kiss? cause it doesnt just end with a fade out. There are repercussions. Hearts get broken. Friendships get ruined. Your entire life could fall apart because of one kiss. That's what you have to look foward to. Do yourself a big favor.. don't rush it.
You wanted a kiss. Is that what you want? Are you prepared for everything that comes with that kiss? cause it doesnt just end with a fade out. There are repercussions. Hearts get broken. Friendships get ruined. Your entire life could fall apart because of one kiss. That's what you have to look foward to. Do yourself a big favor.. don't rush it.
lunedì 28 dicembre 2009
sabato 26 dicembre 2009
giovedì 24 dicembre 2009
When is New Year going to be?? yeah i know it's nearly by but i'm just looking forward for the new year! i don't know why but for me it's more fun than christmas.. i have this idea in my head that new year means new things new experiences, maybe no turning back, no commiitng the same mistakes of the past year.. Well i'm also looking forward for the sale time! it's going to be right after new years, the 2nd of January..
And today i'm so HAPPY!!! I finally got my fave shoes at zara!!! i think they are going to be my favourite ones to wear all the time!! Right now I have just eaten a delicious dinner cooked by my dad who s a great chef!! we ate pasta with seafoods, then tempura of squid rings!! yumm!! and for desert we had Panettone all'ananas (panettone pineapple flavoured) yummyyy too!!
I hope everyone's having a good time!
mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009
wishing list
il 2 di gennaio partono i saldi! nn vedo l'ora!!
ecco il mio wishing list:
-scarpe di velluto (zara)
- Victoria shoes
- giubbotto nuovo
- 2 paio di jeans
- MAC blush
- maglia/gilet with faux fur (h&m)
- scarpe col tacco
for now this is it :D
ecco il mio wishing list:
-scarpe di velluto (zara)
- Victoria shoes
- giubbotto nuovo
- 2 paio di jeans
- MAC blush
- maglia/gilet with faux fur (h&m)
- scarpe col tacco
for now this is it :D
these last two days
On air: Knowledge - The energy story
Non potevo passare meglio questi ultimi due giorni (22-23/12/2009) con la mia Tips <3
Il 22 sera dopo aver brindato con champagne e pandoro ci siamo dirette al Limelight! Bello! Nn è stato come l'altra volta che era pienissima di gente! oltretutto c'era bella musica! Mi piaceva proprio e ho ballato un casino!!! mi sono divertita troppoooo!!! e anke li abbiamo tirat fuori la bottiglia di spumante e ce la siamo scolati :D ah! eravamo io rita cipo giulia e vera! hahahha dopo il lime abbiamo assistito alla scena della vera e giulia ke volevano pisciare e nn erano MOLTO sobrie! hahahah mi sn divertita troppo!!
Poi oggi mi sn svegliata cn la kiamata di rhezza ke ci ha invitate al cinema cn gli altri, ma io e rita nn avevamo molta voglia ed abbiamo deciso di fare un giro tutto nostro. Lei ha comprato un profumo per il suo ragazzo e una maglietta strafiga! Abbiamo concluso il nostro giro facendo merenda in un ristorante a porta ticinese ke si kiama "zerodue". Abbiamo parlato e riso davanti a una tazza di cappuccino e a un cup cake :D yuummy!!!
Ho trascorso due giornate bellissime! Le vacanze sn proprio iniziate bene perkè la neve le ha anticipate :D haha grazie neve! l'altro ieri ti ho eccezionalmente amato!
Concludo dicendo ke mi sento di ringraziare di tutto la mia cara Tipa! <333
Non potevo passare meglio questi ultimi due giorni (22-23/12/2009) con la mia Tips <3
Il 22 sera dopo aver brindato con champagne e pandoro ci siamo dirette al Limelight! Bello! Nn è stato come l'altra volta che era pienissima di gente! oltretutto c'era bella musica! Mi piaceva proprio e ho ballato un casino!!! mi sono divertita troppoooo!!! e anke li abbiamo tirat fuori la bottiglia di spumante e ce la siamo scolati :D ah! eravamo io rita cipo giulia e vera! hahahha dopo il lime abbiamo assistito alla scena della vera e giulia ke volevano pisciare e nn erano MOLTO sobrie! hahahah mi sn divertita troppo!!
Poi oggi mi sn svegliata cn la kiamata di rhezza ke ci ha invitate al cinema cn gli altri, ma io e rita nn avevamo molta voglia ed abbiamo deciso di fare un giro tutto nostro. Lei ha comprato un profumo per il suo ragazzo e una maglietta strafiga! Abbiamo concluso il nostro giro facendo merenda in un ristorante a porta ticinese ke si kiama "zerodue". Abbiamo parlato e riso davanti a una tazza di cappuccino e a un cup cake :D yuummy!!!
Ho trascorso due giornate bellissime! Le vacanze sn proprio iniziate bene perkè la neve le ha anticipate :D haha grazie neve! l'altro ieri ti ho eccezionalmente amato!
Concludo dicendo ke mi sento di ringraziare di tutto la mia cara Tipa! <333
martedì 22 dicembre 2009
Everyone says that love hurts, but that’s not true. Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts, envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.
Stephenie Meyer (Twilight)
lunedì 23 novembre 2009
i've recently open a flickr account!
please check it out!!!!
please check it out!!!!
lunedì 16 novembre 2009
sabato 14 novembre 2009
lunedì 9 novembre 2009
venerdì 6 novembre 2009
domenica 1 novembre 2009
my halloween
hey guys it's been a while i haven't post an interesting entry.. so here it is.. My haloween was so much fun hahah. We went to the pub where ivan works and he was masquerade with a horrible make up haha but i thnk it fits on him well. My friends and i drank tequila, chupito and some of us a cocktail invented by him. At once i thought it was hard but it wasnt! it was similar to a sex on the beach. anyway then we headed to the disco "atlantique". there we waited a half an hour for the entrance. then when we entered we had a drink and woohoo just danced and had fun!! man i ws loving the commercial music like never before! hahah omg i cant stop saying that i have a lot of fun! thanks guys!!! <3333
venerdì 30 ottobre 2009
lunedì 26 ottobre 2009
venerdì 23 ottobre 2009
why do i always forget?
Perchè mi scordo sempre che ci sei tu? che la tua compagnia è sempre la cosa più bella fra tutte le altre. che te sei unica. Dovrò ricordarmene più spesso.
giovedì 22 ottobre 2009
domenica 18 ottobre 2009
venerdì 16 ottobre 2009
why does everyone who i meet or who i talk to always asks me the same fatal question: "do you have a boyfriend?" thinkin positivly that i have it, but then i upset them telling the truth; that i don't have anyone. This is the fact! I don't have anyone. I am in a desperate situation. They beleive that i'm so pretty, thus i must have a boyfriend. Its frustrating for me! knowing that it's just an illusion because if things are meant to be, I should have a boyfriend at the moment! but i don't have one!
Yeah i keep repeating that i don't have no one. Its frustrating me! it's getting harder for me to accept it. I had enough of this shit!!!
Yeah i keep repeating that i don't have no one. Its frustrating me! it's getting harder for me to accept it. I had enough of this shit!!!
Mi piace sognare di me e di te.Insieme.
Per ora.
Almeno mi spezza un pò il routine di sempre.
Per ora.
I like to dream about you and me. Together.
For now.
At least you twist up my life's boring routine.
For now.
Per ora.
Almeno mi spezza un pò il routine di sempre.
Per ora.
I like to dream about you and me. Together.
For now.
At least you twist up my life's boring routine.
For now.
domenica 11 ottobre 2009
martedì 6 ottobre 2009
domenica 4 ottobre 2009
why the fuck do i keep thinking of you when we didn't even speak to each other (yet) though we're on the same class! I hate this situation!!
it's not just because you winked me the first day of school and everytime i see you're looking at me you'r smiling at me it doesnt mean that you like me!!(does it??) sheeeeesh please make my head STOP!!
it's not just because you winked me the first day of school and everytime i see you're looking at me you'r smiling at me it doesnt mean that you like me!!(does it??) sheeeeesh please make my head STOP!!
new entry after a long time ;)
So here i am sitting in front of a computer in a corner of my falling to pieces apartment sipping my camomille to sleep well and listening to some good brazilian reggae music! Actually it's really good. yeah i am amazed too to know that i like reggae music but it's relaxing, though i don't smoke joint! and i REALLY DON'T!
Yesterday i spent my saturday with my dear friend Ririan. after that short period of misunderstanding our feelings and not knowing what to do of our friendship, we "reunited". We just hang out in corso buenos aires and then went to her house to chill and to dine. While we were eating out baguette and other stuff haha we listened to some brazilian and english music, such an amazing moment :) yeah i think it is always for the reason of our short separation.. after all we felt comfortable of ourselves...
ok enough drama. i'd simply end saying that i had a really good day!
Yesterday i spent my saturday with my dear friend Ririan. after that short period of misunderstanding our feelings and not knowing what to do of our friendship, we "reunited". We just hang out in corso buenos aires and then went to her house to chill and to dine. While we were eating out baguette and other stuff haha we listened to some brazilian and english music, such an amazing moment :) yeah i think it is always for the reason of our short separation.. after all we felt comfortable of ourselves...
ok enough drama. i'd simply end saying that i had a really good day!
lunedì 28 settembre 2009
domenica 27 settembre 2009
I haven't been updating for a while. yeah cause i'm busy. stuff n school. it sucks. I know.
Anyway i don't know why but i'm planning my future. I know that i want to be in a fashion career: i want my own label, i want to be a fashion designer, i want my clothing store branches, starting with a little one, i want my name, my creations BIG, i am aiming far! i also know there is/will be also competition but i won't be beaten up on the first trial. i absolutley know that there are many hinders. I know that I am not good enough, that my creativity in putting the few clothes that i have in a chic or in any other way, aren't enough for now. thus i am planning to register in a fashion school or to attend a course of dressmaker/tailor to start to sew my own clothes. for now this is it.
Anyway i don't know why but i'm planning my future. I know that i want to be in a fashion career: i want my own label, i want to be a fashion designer, i want my clothing store branches, starting with a little one, i want my name, my creations BIG, i am aiming far! i also know there is/will be also competition but i won't be beaten up on the first trial. i absolutley know that there are many hinders. I know that I am not good enough, that my creativity in putting the few clothes that i have in a chic or in any other way, aren't enough for now. thus i am planning to register in a fashion school or to attend a course of dressmaker/tailor to start to sew my own clothes. for now this is it.
I assure you that it's worth it and they really did awesome songs!!
domenica 20 settembre 2009
tomorrow is another day
Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?
In my case with every boy.
(the frontier)
venerdì 18 settembre 2009
is this it?
I Under-estimate myself.
I have this difficulty of expressing myself to people.
I feel so nervous and anxious when speaking in italian or writing it in a good way in schoolworks.. i had enough if this fuckin Italian language! i dont fuckin like it! I want to escape to the USA! Somebody please take me to the place where i belong!!
I have this difficulty of expressing myself to people.
I feel so nervous and anxious when speaking in italian or writing it in a good way in schoolworks.. i had enough if this fuckin Italian language! i dont fuckin like it! I want to escape to the USA! Somebody please take me to the place where i belong!!
It's still summer, right?
Autumn is on his way and i already miss SUMMER!
I want it back! I wanna live in a place where there's always sun and heat, summer all the time.
Today, after about a week of rainy days, it was sunny! but then at the late afternoon some drops came down =(
i hate rain! i hate the snow!
This video reminds me a lot of summer. Enjoy!
I want it back! I wanna live in a place where there's always sun and heat, summer all the time.
Today, after about a week of rainy days, it was sunny! but then at the late afternoon some drops came down =(
i hate rain! i hate the snow!
This video reminds me a lot of summer. Enjoy!
I'm looking up, you're looking down
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
Maybe I am crazy too
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Maybe something's wrong with you
That makes you act the way you do
Maybe I am crazy too
I'm gonna soak up the sun
I'm gonna tell everyone
To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)
I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up
I'm gonna soak up the sun
giovedì 17 settembre 2009
Non mi sento bene
I'm not doing good.
I am anxious.
I can't stop worrying.
Please. Make me stop.
I want to be sedated right now.
I don't want to think about tomorrow.
But I am. That's why I'm writing this post.
I hate all of this! I fucking hate SCHOOL!
And i'm starting to blame myself for going to the school i'm attending.
I am anxious.
I can't stop worrying.
Please. Make me stop.
I want to be sedated right now.
I don't want to think about tomorrow.
But I am. That's why I'm writing this post.
I hate all of this! I fucking hate SCHOOL!
And i'm starting to blame myself for going to the school i'm attending.
mercoledì 16 settembre 2009
martedì 15 settembre 2009
listen to her..
She is a great singer! she has a unique and amazing voice! i envy her!her myspace: http://www.myspace.com/adelelondon
In this period i'm so into indie. even my outfits.. i am currently always listening to the Kooks.. they are fantastic.. i love their song "california". <333 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://www.sdamy.com/images/kooks.jpg">
lunedì 14 settembre 2009
alexander wang is amazingly great!
high school never ends
Today was the firt day of school! sucks!!! i hate school! i get easily stressed just to know that i've got homework etc! But today was different! i met my new teacher of Maths and physics. She's really strict! man she doesnt even allow to drink water in her classes WTF? she scares me... a lot. She can be bitch when she want to. Then i met the new teacher of Philosophy.. he was kinda stoned.. i dunno.. he had a strange way of explaining his subject... but he seems to be nice.. after school rita and i headed to Lin's coffee where we had a cake and a coffee.. lovely then we went to the city center to chill.. Whell yeah speaking of chill: it's fuckin cold! what the hell happened to you earth? 2 days ago it was melting by the heat and then it rains and it's cold?!!! i want my sun and heat please give them to me! at least they will cheer up a bit my school days..
sabato 12 settembre 2009
here we go again
Today has been a calm saturday than other saturdays, because of my friday's hang over.. haha yeah. Rita, my bff and I went to the cinema to see Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds new movie "The Proposal" (Ricatto d'amore in italian). So cute!! i loved it! My fave scenes were when they sticked together nude haha and when sandra bullock sang a weird and funny song with her grandma hahah sooo funny!!! Then we went to Montenapoleone and via della spiga to find some Ysl tote bags.. but they we're already finished =( i'm so disappionted. I wanted it badly!!! guess i have to wait for next year, if they distribute it again... then we got on our own homes.. it's really weird for me returning home so early!

Thursday night was the VFNO: Vogue Fashion's night out at Milan. It was a unique event!! i loved it so much and had really fun!!! I attended it with rita and aby. First we went to Louis Vuitton where we did some polaroids pictures. Then in Camper where in the rear there was this huge mirrir that i thought it was the continuation of the shop. i was going to bump against when fortunately i saw myself and turned on the left, faking it was nothing hahahahha we all laugh like crazy!!! then we went to giorgio armani, dior, where we did pics, then we also went to moschino, versace, blumarine kids, etc! so many boutiques!! Love it really!!! in every boutique they were offering glasses of champagne which i couldnt neglect hahaha so at the end of the night i was drunk and waisted. i kinda fell asleep in rita's mom car hahaha.
Loved this night!!!
Today has been a calm saturday than other saturdays, because of my friday's hang over.. haha yeah. Rita, my bff and I went to the cinema to see Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds new movie "The Proposal" (Ricatto d'amore in italian). So cute!! i loved it! My fave scenes were when they sticked together nude haha and when sandra bullock sang a weird and funny song with her grandma hahah sooo funny!!! Then we went to Montenapoleone and via della spiga to find some Ysl tote bags.. but they we're already finished =( i'm so disappionted. I wanted it badly!!! guess i have to wait for next year, if they distribute it again... then we got on our own homes.. it's really weird for me returning home so early!
Thursday night was the VFNO: Vogue Fashion's night out at Milan. It was a unique event!! i loved it so much and had really fun!!! I attended it with rita and aby. First we went to Louis Vuitton where we did some polaroids pictures. Then in Camper where in the rear there was this huge mirrir that i thought it was the continuation of the shop. i was going to bump against when fortunately i saw myself and turned on the left, faking it was nothing hahahahha we all laugh like crazy!!! then we went to giorgio armani, dior, where we did pics, then we also went to moschino, versace, blumarine kids, etc! so many boutiques!! Love it really!!! in every boutique they were offering glasses of champagne which i couldnt neglect hahaha so at the end of the night i was drunk and waisted. i kinda fell asleep in rita's mom car hahaha.
Loved this night!!!
lunedì 7 settembre 2009
Le petit prince
Right now i'm reading this book in original language, french. It's for my summer homework. here's a quote that i think is meaningful:
- Bien sûr, dit le renard. Tu n'es encore pour moi qu'un petit garçon semblable à cent mille petits garçons. Et je n'ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n'as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu'un renard semblable à sent mille renards. Mais si tu m'apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l'un de l'autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde...
- Bien sûr, dit le renard. Tu n'es encore pour moi qu'un petit garçon semblable à cent mille petits garçons. Et je n'ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n'as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu'un renard semblable à sent mille renards. Mais si tu m'apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l'un de l'autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde...
domenica 6 settembre 2009
i am always where i need to be..
Good evening everyone.
Friday night i ended up not watching a movie, but surfing on the internet instead because of technical problems.. but i watched it today: "Etenal Sunshine of the spotless mind". I think it's very particular and very different from any other love story/movie. At first i cannot understand what was happenig, but then i had.. although i didn't like it a lot..
But i love the soundtrack: Everybod's gotta learn sometime - Beck
You should to listen to it!!
Saturday i bought a jacket the i was craving from a lot of time at H&M
and i also wanted to buy a studded belt but they run out of my size!! uggh!!!
and i forgot to buy the glamour magazine but i think i'm buying it tomorrow! in a newsstandpaper i saw some international magazines like marie claire USA and elle UK and also TEENVOGUE which i have never seen in any othe place here in milan! i was so excited when i was it haha. After that, i and rita met up with kenneth and tin and we hang out at san fedele listening to some good music! A friend had some covers of lots of artist and they're awesome but i've forgotten the nam of the band.. i should ask him sometime.. then we went to Mami suchi and had happy hour. I took a manhattan which i've never tried before. It was pretty strong! i was a bit "shine" as we say it in an italian way.. i mean i wasnt drunk but my head was turning around a lil bit.. anyway i had fun. also bcause it's been long time since i hadnt meet with them <33
A little Princess
My favorite kid movie. It's so cute and sweet. It makes you dream as a princess can and the scenery of India is just wonderful! My favorite scene is when Sara and Becky woke up and found their ugly, old and dirty roof top room tranformed into a beautiful one with orange curtains, indian scenery, some indian style flats, a nightgown; they also found a big round table with lots of food with it! yummy breakfast! one day i'd like to woke up in this way haha. The last part, the ending part when his father regain his memory back and stoped the police by taking Sara, her daughter, away, and embracing her. Awww so sweet!

i love how she's dressed here!
i love how she's dressed here!
venerdì 4 settembre 2009
Cherry Cherry boom boom <3
good evening everyone! This is one of my outfit that i wore this week :) hope you like it
it's also in chictopia: http://www.chictopia.com/Jadelapetite please visit it and leave me some comments about my outfit :) but you can also simply do it here :)
The heat is less in Milan fortunately!! but i feel sad that summer is already passing by.. it has gone so fast that i didn't even realized .. i love summer. it's my fave season!
Anyway my outfit is just about:
- United colors of benetton shirt (which is my belongs to my brother)
- a white top
- bershka ripped off shorts (which i totally love)
Hope you like it :D
right now i'm listening to the new hot of the great Madonna, Celebration! Love it and the video aswell! she's wearing a lovely dress!!
Today i've discovered a new blog to follow: Pigchick.com!! love it aslready :)
you should check it out!
i am absoluely in love with this picture of me.. it's kinda magazine style and some kinda vintage.. maybe for how i've modified the colors of it.. more "yellowish" what do u think?

i've decided to write in english and not in italian because i, firstly, just prefer it than the second language and also for the fact that in this way everyone from any country can understand what i write.. english is an international language. yeah i could post in both language but i have no time or maybe i just don't have the feeling to do the translation and stuff haha..
Tomorrow is saturday :) my favourite day of the week. in the morning i'm going to change wardrobe! a decent one, where i can put all my stuff and clothes. it's my own one :) so far i haven't had all my own yet.. yeah i know it's weird.. then i'm meeting with friends and i'm buying my H&M jacket which i'm craving for a month and "glamour" magazine [they're including a magazine that just talks about 574 accesories of the season! so it would really worth it!]. Then we're going to a sushi bar and have some happy hour! I feel really rich at the moment haha cause my uncle gave me like 90 € for bby sitting her daughter for 2 weeks. And i feel like i had earn my own money deservedly.. though their my relatives and they shouldn't have to pay me.. and of course i tried to refuse the money but they just insisted.
I fell in love with the Alexander Wang tote bag! m'm really craving for it but i don't have money to buy it, since that i'm just a student without any work too and my parents aren't really available to get me it.. i was thinking to DO IT MYSELF! i just gotta find a cute black bag and some gold studs! that should do the trick ;)
Someday of this week i don't remember which one exactly i went to a newstandpaper and flip through some fashion magazines like ELLE italia and i didn't know that there is a JUICY COUTURE store here in italy! i should take a look :)
whoah! it's late! i still have to watch a movie.. i don't know which one yet.. The wackness or The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind..
Have a nice weekend!
ps. i'm so tired too! i hope i won't get asleep during the film haha
giovedì 3 settembre 2009
it's friday i'm in love..
well as the title say it's really not like that. I don't have a boy friend, niether a crush and so i'm not in love.. being in love sometimes is difficult but most of the people thinks that it's a nice thing, makes you dream, etc.. such nice things.. but in the end when you'll realise that you can't have that someone it's rally sad and frustrating at the same time... well maybe im seeing it in a pessimistic way.. maybe because i have always had negative experiences...
today i'm really sleepy i got up at 6.30 am and im baby sitting my lil cousin.. im tired and sleepy..
today i got breakfast at mcdonalds: cappuccino + diet croissant.
yesterday after bby sitting i met rita and we went to the city center.. we went window shopping.. i didnt see any clothes that i want. maybe a shirt from h&m but im not really sure.. i just want to buy my jacket atm..
today i'm really sleepy i got up at 6.30 am and im baby sitting my lil cousin.. im tired and sleepy..
today i got breakfast at mcdonalds: cappuccino + diet croissant.
yesterday after bby sitting i met rita and we went to the city center.. we went window shopping.. i didnt see any clothes that i want. maybe a shirt from h&m but im not really sure.. i just want to buy my jacket atm..
domenica 30 agosto 2009
me myself and I ;)
great things (?)
Hello everyone! i'm back from my summer vacation and i'm quite upset that summer has almost already past :( anyway enough with this drama haha.. i went in Torre dell'orso in Puglia.
yeah over there! it took me 12 hours of driving from milan!! gosh so traumatic!
here are some pics..
town of OTRANTO <3
beautiful isnt it?
i'd really like to show you some other pics of this extraordinary place
but i have so many and im not feeling right now to post them, maybe later!!
how was your summer? where did u spend it??
tell me some stories :D
yeah over there! it took me 12 hours of driving from milan!! gosh so traumatic!
here are some pics..
beautiful isnt it?
i'd really like to show you some other pics of this extraordinary place
but i have so many and im not feeling right now to post them, maybe later!!
how was your summer? where did u spend it??
tell me some stories :D
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