venerdì 26 febbraio 2010

Non è ciò che indossi, ma è come lo indossi!

It's not what you wear but it's how you wear it!
This yellow carigan, which i'm wearing and i love, is so warm and also slouchy, and i managed to wear it this way: puttin the front part of it in the skirt, creating this effect. I think it's really cute :) and put a particular touch

Questa maglia gialla che stavo indossando e che adoro, è così caldo e sciolto, e l'ho indossato in questo modo: ho messo la parte frontale sotto la gonna creando quest'effetto. Penso sia carino e abbia dato un tocco di particolarità :)
Yellow whool cardigan
Skirt - Zara
Shoes - Lolita
Leopard scarf - H&M
Sorry for my quite long absence.. I had a lot to do at school and lots of exams and test! I can't stand it anymore! Studying is really tiring and boring aswell! Tomorrow i have my math exam! Wish me good luck!

Scusate per questa mia assenza abbastanza lnga.. Ho dovuto fare molte cose a scuola e anche molte verifiche ed interrogazioni! Non ce la faccio più!! Studiare è dawero faticoso e noioso! Domani ho la verifica di matematica. Auguratemi buona fortuna!

venerdì 19 febbraio 2010

I can't litterally stand this

Nothing much to say in this entry. just having a period of "nothing's going around" you know? when your everyday life seems to be boring (which it really seems to be to me). I wish everyday was particular.. don't you? How are you doing? Let's talk! :)

Stripe shirt - H&M
grey leggings - decathlon
Purse - Silvia

ps. Yeah i know i'm really, a lot, too much, into this denim shirt!!!

martedì 16 febbraio 2010

Party all night and sleep all day and throw all of my problems away

My club outfit! What do ya think? I find the dress/shirt really fantastic and adorable! It's shoulder particular is amazing and gorgeous!
Dress, belt & shirt - H&M
booties - Zara

I had a lot of fun dancing with my friends at the club!! but there was too much crowd. anyway it has worth it because Christian Marchi was djing! Do you know him? he's pretty famous! I would have danced for the whole night until the club closed haha!

This is how my room looked like when i got back home! hahah what a mess. The day after I had to clean and set everything up to its place!
At the end i've lost my brown scarf and that new white cardigan i've just bought :'(

domenica 14 febbraio 2010

Happy lovers day

For valentine's day I bought this lil cake [not a cupcake ;)] even though i'm single ;)
fortunately tomorrow is single's day! haha
I'll leave you this day with this lovely photographs and a song from Moulin Rouge, Your song by Edward McGregor

sabato 13 febbraio 2010

sunny day :D

I can't wait for tonight!! Tonight there's going to be my classmate 18th b-day party in my fave disco! This event just reminds me of the black eyes peas song - I gotta feeling! it fits perfectly !
So here is my today's outfit!

venerdì 12 febbraio 2010

wet streets.. you can't feel the heat!

Denim Shirt - Zara
Basic white t-shirt - H&M
Leggings - Zara
Boots - Viauno
Brown Scarf
Necklace - H&M

This is my latest outfit! I totally love it! I bought the denim shirt just for 5 euros! it was on sale! The only sizes remaining were only L or XL so i opted for the L one which fits me oversize but also good at the same time! My favourite wardrobe item at the moment! As you can see The pavement was wet so u can deduct that it have been raining in milan! How is the weather in the place where you live??

mercoledì 10 febbraio 2010

Snow boarding!

Hello people!!
Tuesday i went with my adorable class to the mountains exactly in Foppolo/Carona, Bergamo.
I did snow boarding with rhezza and my other classmates went skiing! The only thing I'll say is that I had a lot of fun!!! i loveee these guys! they're so fantastic!! <3<3

domenica 7 febbraio 2010

here we go again!

Hello blog-readers!
This weekend has been a boom! I mean i had a great time with my bestfriend!
We went to the cinema and watched paranormal activity which i found a bit boring at the first part but then at the end it was really horrifying! Anyway i think there are two ending scene. my bro, who downloaded the movie, described me another final scene that wasn't the one that i saw at the cinema. then, we went to see another movie: ALVIN SUPERSTAR 2 hahahha it was really really cute! chipmunks roocks!!! i felt satisfied and reliefed after seeing it cause it helped me distracting my mind from the scary scenes before!!

White coat - Zara
Jeans - Zara
Sneakers - Chuck Taylor Converse
bag - Louis Vuitton (my mom's)
whool Scarf
I was trying to do an artistic photo in the cinema sala haha
but it turned out pretty bad... ooh well